School Counselors

School counselors work with students in groups and individually depending on the nature of the problem or concern. They work with teachers, administrators, and parents to provide information regarding students' academic and emotional needs. They build a program based on characteristics, age appropriateness, and the connection between home and school life dealing with peer and adult relationships.

The school counselor works closely with the administration. Through collaboration, they develop professional learning community emphasizing developmental guidance, which creates a climate for enhancing student achievement. Counselors can help create a positive learning environment. As a team, parents, teachers, counselors, administration, and the community, we can make the effort to formally reach out to one another and support each other with a common goal of improving student learning. We will be able to make huge difference in our students' lives and at the same time lighten our own loads a little by working collaboratively toward the same goal.

If a student would like to make an appointment with their Certified School Counselor (for any social, emotional, scheduling issues/concerns) or make a request, please fill out the School Counselor Request Form using the link below.

Ms. Shakira Barrett

All students with the last name beginning with L-Z
[email protected]

Mrs. Vanessa Hernandez

All students with the last name beginning with A-K
[email protected]

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